
Dear Governor's Ranch Families, Prospective Families, and Community Members:

Mr. Lucas' FamilyWelcome to Governor's Ranch Elementary, home of the Raccoons! I’m honored to have been selected as GRE's principal starting in the fall 2018. Having grown up in the community, I know that GRE is a close-knit community of students, teachers, and parents who work together to help make our school one of the top in the state.

First, I’d like to welcome all of our new families! The transition into a new school can be interesting, and I encourage you to reach out with any questions.  Laura, Kaycee, and Kara in the office are a wealth of knowledge and can answer just about any question you have.  Just about everything that we do connects to our Creed, so be sure to take a look!

I encourage returning and new dads (or another male role model) to be a Watch D.O.G. using the Watch D.O.G. link under the Family Resources tab above. Watch D.O.G. volunteers are a crucial component of our school’s positive culture and serve as an additional measure of security. Plus, you get to play football and have recess again—what could be better?!

I also hope that you’ll join the GRE PTA. Last year PTA provided the school with countless hours of volunteer service and thousands of dollars in direct financial contributions. You can learn more on the PTA Website.

Finally, please don’t hesitate to contact me for any reason. You can email me at [email protected] or call me at the school at (303) 982-4625. After school hours you can reach me by calling/texting 720-495-1758. I’m looking forward to an amazing school year!

Ryan R. Lucas

Resources that are tied to my leadership values:

Simon Sinek reminds us about the importance of the "why." 

Shawn Anchor discussed the role of happiness in our daily lives.

Josh Shipp reminds us that every child is one caring adult away from success.

Three big takeaways from Jim Collins' book
Good to Great

Sir Ken Robinson articulately speaks to our focus at GRE--creating a culture of possibility.

Hard work
will only get you so far; check out what Angela Lee Duckworth calls "grit."

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